- Maintenance costs (including server and hosting fees) should be zero.
- The quote database itself be independent of any particular UI system.
- It should be easy to contribute to the quote database - but such contributions should be verifiable.
- Data format should be easily parsable in a variety of machine languages.
Current solution
- Quotes are stored as simple markdown files with TOML metadata, so as to capture annotations such as meter, topic, poetic ornamentation, rasas, bhAva-s, sources, secondary sources, etc..
- Within each markdown file, the text and various commentaries or presentations are stored under html details tags (which contain relevant content in markdown format).
- For location of databases, see contribution page.
Setting up dev environment
Code locus: TW
git clone --recurse-submodules
pip install -e .
- Report issues other than the below on github.
Setting up dev environment
git clone --recurse-submodules
hugo server --renderToDisk
With this, you should be able to browse the site and navigate to saMskRtam/padyam/random on the browser, which corresponds to saMskRtam/padyam/
JS Code mainly resides in saMskRtam/padyam/quote-helper.js.
If you’re editing the theme javascript, you should do this in a separate terminal window -
npm install
npm run watch
- UI
- प्रतिमाला - अनुष्टुभ्-अपाकरणे विकल्पः। अक्षरालाभेऽक्षरान्तरग्रहणम्।
- Access keys/ shortcuts
- TODOs in quote-helper.js.
- Better randomization.
- backend
- Dump subhAShita pages for indexing.
- AI to annotate with topics and translations (backend).
- AI translations - dharmamitra, bing etc..